Friday, January 31, 2020

deeper into Egypt

Despite over 100 students being absent from JC today, the beat goes on. The two Honors sections began studying the material in my SlideShow that covers ancient Egypt (beginning on slide 10 of "From Prehistory to Civilization").

There are still a number of students who will be making up the last quiz upon their return. Those same students will also need to catch up on Egypt, reading the material from the textbook. I will provide some time in class for you to do that, and/or you may borrow a textbook to bring home if that will help you catch up.

Here's hoping that everyone starts to feel better,  and school - and our class - get back to normal soon!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

time really flu today

Still lots of flu going around at good old John Carroll. Over 80 students either stayed home, or were sent home by our school nurse today - around 13% of all students!

For those of us well enough to come in, we were rewarded with donuts in Advisory, and also rewarded with a truly flipped day in Western Civ. I had a few people make up quizzes, while everybody else read through Pyramids on the Nile (p. 35 - 43).

You are reminded that we will be on a normal bell schedule tomorrow, since the Mass that had been scheduled to mark the end of Catholic Schools Week has been cancelled - due to the flu situation, of course.

Stay well, everybody, and if you can't stay well, stay home!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

On to Egypt!

After today's quiz we will leave Mesopotamia and head to ancient Egypt! Woo-hoo!

Egypt! Home of the pyramids! Land of Tutankhamun (the boy-king known as King Tut) as well as Menes, the pharaoh who united Upper and Lower Egypt!

Also, if you are one of the dozen or so people who did not take the quiz because you were sick today, you will be making the quiz up in class the next time your section meets. So be ready!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

test tomorrow

Tomorrow is the first quiz of the new semester in Western Civ, and you want to get off on the right foot. I feel most of you have a handle on what you need to know, but just in case, here is one more bit of advice on how to be prepared:

  • Review your notes. You have been taking good notes in class, and transcribing them into your blog. Look them over tonight.
  • Take another look at my SlideShow. There are definitely test questions based on the material found in "From Prehistory to Civilization."
  • Let Mr. Nicky help. The video I embedded in yesterday's blog actually has a lot of good information in it. Learning can be easier and more fun when set to music. Give it a try.

Good luck is one thing, but nothing beats good preparation.

Monday, January 27, 2020

the EUphrates River

Many thanks to the Honors 202 section who turned me on to the immortal Mr. Nicky and his study guide / song parody of Mesopotamia. Brilliant!

Reminder: the 75-point quiz on Mesopotamia is this Wednesday. Check your notes, my SlideShow, and Mr. Nicky's video to prepare.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

we're picking up steam...

As our first week of Western Civ classes continue, here's a look at our status.

Honors sections are working their way through reading the chapter on Mesopotamia, and are getting their first look at my From Prehistory to Civilization slideshow.

The SuperWestCiv section is just getting started on reading  p. 29-34. You are also reminded to buy your Composition Book for note-taking - you will bring it to class with you on Friday and every day thereafter. Also, don't forget that every day our class meets, you must write a blog. That blog must be posted before midnight on the same day the class met.

Also, as you guys make adjustments to your schedules, we have new people joining our groups. Welcome to Lane who will be moving into the Honors 201 section!

As always, if you have any questions - about the material, your blogs, my blog, Veracross, grades - please let me know. I can be reached at or during free mods.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It is Day One of the Second Semester

Welcome (or welcome back) to Western Civilization!

Day One was about new Honors sections, new seats, new textbooks, and good old note-taking, along with a variation on the flipped classroom concept.

Obviously there will be more emphasis on reading this semester as we put these textbooks to good use. I will try to provide some tips on note-taking skills.

In the meantime, a reminder that you Honors students need to blog tonight, answering questions 1 and 3 from page 34 of Ancient World History.

Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...