Monday, February 3, 2020

are we caught up yet?

Nope, not caught up just yet.

With so many absences last week (over a quarter of the freshman class was out last Friday alone), it is a challenge to make up quizzes, cover new material, and keep the students who haven't missed any school occupied.

But we're doing our best!

Keep in mind that if you still need to take last Wednesday's quiz, you will be asked to make it up on the day you return. You will also need to get up to speed on the Ancient Egypt chapter, reading p. 35-43 in the text. I am providing one more class period to get that that information read; after that, if you need to borrow a textbook to get caught up at home, we can make that happen.

Finally, the SlideShow on Egypt begins on slide 10 of "From Prehistory to Civilization," found under "Links for Learning" in the right sidebar of this blog.

Let's do this!

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...