Wednesday, February 5, 2020

meet Maat

This is Maat. 

Maat is sometimes spelled Ma'at.

Maat is the Egyptian goddess who represents the concepts of truth, balance, order, law, harmony, morality, and justice.

Maat also regulates the stars, the seasons, and the actions of mortals and the deities who had brought order from chaos at the moment of creation.

Maat's opposite is the goddess Isfet, who represents injustice, chaos, or violence.

Maat and Isfet represent the concept of duality. This comes into play in ancient Egypt when a pharaoh was entrusted to achieve maat, which means that he had to keep and protect justice and harmony by destroying isfet. 

Cool, huh?

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...