Thursday, April 30, 2020

haves and have nots (or just have less) in ancient Rome

Honors 202 does not meet today, and is not required to write a blog.

SupWestCiv and Honors 201 will write, in your own words, what the main differences were between Roman patricians and plebeians. Also, what were the Greek versions of patricians and plebeians? Post the answers to your blog before midnight tonight!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

class distinctions in ancient Rome

SupWestCiv does not meet today, and is not required to post a blog.

Honors 201 has this assignment. Using the textbook pages posted on my blog yesterday, define these terms that are important to your understanding of ancient Rome, and post the definitions to your blog by 11:59pm.

  • Republic 
  • Patrician 
  • Plebeian
  • Tribune
  • Consul
  • Senate
  • Dictator
  • Legion
  • Punic Wars 
  • Hannibal

Honors 202 will do this assignment: In your own words, what were the main differences between Roman patricians and plebeians? What were the Greek versions of patricians and plebeians? Post the answers to your blog before midnight tonight.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

defining some terms

SupWestCiv and Honors 202 will do the following assignment:

Using the textbook pages posted on my blog yesterday, define these terms that are important to your understanding of ancient Rome, and post the definitions to your blog by 11:59pm.
  • Republic
  • Patrician
  • Plebeian
  • Tribune
  • Consul
  • Senate
  • Dictator
  • Legion
  • Punic Wars
  • Hannibal
Honors 201 does not meet today, and is not required to do a blog.

Monday, April 27, 2020

on to Rome!

It's been quite a weekend, hasn't it! As you have been writing your essays, I have been grading your Five Short Answer tests (60 tests, 300 short answers!). That will complete our studies of ancient Greece, and move us on to ancient Rome.

I have scanned the next chapter in the textbook, The Roman Republic, pages 155-159. It is found on this Google Doc, and also under Links for Learning in the righthand sidebar of my blog. 

So, the assignment for all three sections: Dig up that notebook you used to use in class, and take notes on this chapter. However, you are not required to write a blog for today.

Friday, April 24, 2020

SupWestCiv: test day today

Honors 202 does not meet today. You should be working on your essay. No blog necessary today.
Honors 201 does meet today. You, too, should be working on your essay. No blog necessary today.

SupWestCiv takes their test today from 8:00 - 8:55am.  (no blog necessary)
Here is your link:   
Your class code: amazing jar 11  
Your temporary password: 1234567

Stick to the facts, and try not to over-analyze. Tell me what you know! Budget your time - you have 55 minutes to write five short answers. That's approximately 10 minutes per response. When 55 minutes is up you will not be able to type any more. All work must be your own original writing.

All sections: your essay must be emailed to me at by 11:59pm Sunday night. 

Do not post your essay to your blog. This five-paragraph essay is worth 50 points.  The John Carroll Honor Code, which prohibits plagiarism in any form, most definitely applies to this test. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Today is test day for Honors! (...and SupWestCiv is testing tomorrow!)

Today, Honors 201 and Honors 202 will take a test on ancient Greece on NoRed Ink during regular class time.

Honors 201 will test from 11:50am to 12:45pm.
Honors 202 will test from 1:50pm to 2:45pm.

You have five short answer responses to complete in 55 minutes (roughly 10 minutes each), so keep an eye on the clock to make sure you answer all five questions. When time is up, you will no longer be able to type.

During test time I will be available for questions via email (, but that should only be in an emergency. I don't recommend you use any of your 55 minutes to ask me unnecessary questions.

I made a special effort to ask questions that we covered, both in class and in cyberclass. Therefore, you are expected to do your own work and do all original writing. Violators will receive a zero on this test, and disciplinary action involving Mr. Ireton will be initiated. Since you are all honorable people, this should not be a problem.

No written blogs are required today for Honors sections, or for the SupWestCiv section, which does not meet today. The test for the SupWestCiv section will be given tomorrow (Friday Apr 24) during class time, which is 8:00am to 8:55am.

Final reminder: the essay test will be submitted to me via email (, and is due by 11:59pm Sunday night. The essay is worth 50 points. Honors students have all received feedback on their choice of topics (check the Comments section on your Tuesday blog). SupWestCiv students will receive their feedback by the end of the school day today.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

more test details

Tomorrow, Thursday April 23, both Honors sections will take an objective test on ancient Greece on NoRedInk. This test will be taken during regular class time (11:50 – 12:45 for Honors 201, and 1:50 - 2:45 for Honors 202). SupWestCiv will test on Friday, from 8:00 - 8:55. Hopefully you all signed up for West Civ NoRedInk yesterday – if not, here are the details: 

SupWestCiv, here is your link. 
Your class code: amazing jar 11 
Your temporary password: 1234567 

Honors WestCiv 201, here is your link:
Your class code: clean guitar 78  
Your temporary password: 1234567

Honors WestCiv 202, here is your link:
Your class code: festive lake 27 
Your temporary password: 1234567

There is also an essay test, which you began working on yesterday. The final five-paragraph essay will be submitted to me via email, to, by midnight Sunday night. As the day goes on today, I will be checking your blogs from yesterday, and giving you feedback in the comments section, letting you know if you are on the right track. The objective test is worth 50 points, and the essay test is worth 50 points. No written blog is required for today, whether your section meets or not. I do recommend you get ready for the test by prepping your essay or studying for the objective test.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

the essay test asssignment

All three sections will submit an idea for an essay for your test on ancient Greece, along with an outline for what the completed five-paragraph essay should cover. What you put in your blog for tonight should look something like this (but don’t use Pericles yourself):

“My essay question would be this: Describe the rule of Pericles during the “Golden Age” of Athens. In the first paragraph, this essay would mention Pericles’ three goals for Athens – to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens. The next paragraph would focus on how he paid public officials, introduced direct democracy, and how that form of government worked. The third paragraph would cover Pericles’ formation of the Delian League, and how he waged war against Sparta in the Peloponnesian War. The next paragraph would tell about how he ordered the Parthenon to be built, paid sculptors to create numerous statues in the “classical” style, and helped popularize the art form of drama. The final paragraph would tie all these concepts together and explain why Pericles was – and wasn’t – a great leader.”

Also, here is how the test will be given. On Thursday (B Day), each Honors section will meet during regular class time to take the objective part of the test on (log in details to follow). The SupWestCiv section will take their objective test on Friday morning during regular C Day time. Your essay will be emailed to me by midnight Sunday night, for all three sections. More details on all of this will follow – keep your eyes on Veracross and my blog (

Monday, April 20, 2020

a test is coming...

Today SupWestCiv and Honors 201 have class, and will do the following assignment.

The test on ancient Greece is coming soon. Spoiler alert: You are going to compose your own test on ancient Greece this week. Today, you should begin to prepare for that by writing 5 objective questions that might appear on your test. Objective questions can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or matching (I’m not a fan of True/False questions). Post these questions (including the correct answers) to today’s blog, which is due before midnight tonight. Also, begin considering the essay question you are going to compose, and answer.

Honors 202 does not "meet" today, and therefore has no written assignment, but should begin prepping for the test on ancient Greece.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday? Already?

Yes, it's Friday!

Today the SupWestCiv class does not meet, so no blog is required.

Today Honors 201 does the assignment that was posted on my blog yesterday.

Honors 202 does the following assignment:

  • The test on ancient Greece is coming soon. Spoiler alert: You are going to compose your own test on ancient Greece next week. Today, you should begin to prepare for that by writing 5 objective questions that might appear on your test. Objective questions can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or matching (I’m not a fan of True/False questions). Post these questions (including the correct answers) to today’s blog, which are due before midnight tonight. Over the weekend, begin considering the essay question you are going to compose, and answer.

And everybody, have a great weekend!

Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...