Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday? Already?

Yes, it's Friday!

Today the SupWestCiv class does not meet, so no blog is required.

Today Honors 201 does the assignment that was posted on my blog yesterday.

Honors 202 does the following assignment:

  • The test on ancient Greece is coming soon. Spoiler alert: You are going to compose your own test on ancient Greece next week. Today, you should begin to prepare for that by writing 5 objective questions that might appear on your test. Objective questions can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or matching (I’m not a fan of True/False questions). Post these questions (including the correct answers) to today’s blog, which are due before midnight tonight. Over the weekend, begin considering the essay question you are going to compose, and answer.

And everybody, have a great weekend!

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...