Friday, May 29, 2020

as we head into the final week...

There's necessary information for all of you here, so please read today's blog to the end. Thanks!

No class for SupWestCiv, and both Honors sections will do Cyber Assignment #29.

In Cyber #29, you will take notes on the rest of Chi Cago’s Study Guide (slides 43-52). That covers the aftermath to Julius Caesar’s assassination, meaning the Second Triumvirate, the rise of Octavian / Caesar Augustus, the Pax Romana, and the rule of emperors (some good, some horrible, and some completely insane). Those notes go into your blog.

Remember, the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due before midnight on Monday, June 1, and you will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

All three sections will be doing Cyber Assignment #30, due by 11:59pm next Thursday, June 4, so if you want to get a jump on it, here are the assignment details.

Cyber #30:  Letter to your future self.
It is not exaggerating to say your freshman year of high school has been unlike any other. In this assignment, I want you to write a letter to your forty- or fifty- or sixty-year-old self. Explain the situation with the coronavirus, and what it has done to you. Describe your feelings, your emotions, your experiences. Talk about what your life has been like for the last several weeks, and what you are expecting this summer to be like, and what you hope next school year will hold. Take this letter in any direction you like.

I’m giving you almost a week to write 300 words (but use more words if you need ‘em) that you will want to look at to remember this awful and momentous time in your life. I’m giving you until 11:59pm on Thursday, June 4, because I hope you will compose something that will transcend your routine assignment. This is your final writing assignment for this class.

When you’re done, post it to your blog, then print a copy for yourself to look at down the road.

You’re a special class, and not just because of the miserable hand you’ve been dealt. It’s been a pleasure to share time with you guys, and I wish you the very best. As my Mom always used to tell little Bobby before she sent me off to school, “Have fun, and do good work.”

Mr. Schick

Thursday, May 28, 2020

It's Thursday!

Happy Thursday, everybody!

SupWestCiv, you're doing Cyber Assignment #29. Today, you will take notes on the rest of Chi Cago’s Study Guide (slides 43-52). That covers the aftermath to Julius Caesar’s assassination, meaning the Second Triumvirate, the rise of Octavian / Caesar Augustus, the Pax Romana, and the rule of emperors (some good, some horrible, and some completely insane). Those notes go into your blog.

Remember, the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due before midnight on Monday, June 1. You will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

Honors 201, your section does not meet today. Remember, the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due before midnight on Monday, June 1. You will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

Honors 202, you're doing Cyber Assignment #4X. As you know, you have an essay test to write, which is due for all sections before midnight on Monday, June 1. The final five-paragraph essay will be submitted to me via email, to However, if you want to send it to me before then, you may do so. No written blog is required for today. I do recommend you begin prepping your essay instead of waiting until the last minute. As you know, the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due before midnight on Monday, June 1. You will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

Also, this baby girl will soon be a member of our family.

What do you you think of the name Eliza

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

approaching the end, end, end of ancient Rome, Rome, Rome

ALL classes meet today! Here are the assignments.

Honors 202 - Cyber#28: In the first sentence of your blog, verify that you will be taking your test on June 2, and list the time that you and your section will be testing. The rest of your assignment will be notes on Slides 32-42 from "Chi Cago's Guide to Ancient Rome," which covers the rise and fall of Julius Caesar.

If you do not verify that you will be taking your test, and the date and time of that test, you will not receive full credit for today's assignment. Also, if you do not take the test during the designated time, you will be penalized on that portion of the test.

SupWestCiv and Honors 201 - Cyber 4X: As you know, you have an essay test to write, which is due for all sections before midnight on Monday, June 1. The final five-paragraph essay will be submitted to me via email, to However, if you want to send it to me before then, you may do so. Almost all of you already sent me your chosen topic, so you can start the actual writing at any time. No written blog is required for today. I do recommend you begin prepping your essay instead of waiting until the last minute.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

prepping for next week's test


  • All three sections will turn in their essay no later than 11:59pm on Monday, June 1.
  • All three sections will take the short answer portion of the test on ancient Rome during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

  • Honors 202 tests from 8:00-8:50am on Tue Jun 2.

  • Sup West Civ tests from 8:55-9:45am on Tue Jun 2

  • Honors 201 tests from 1:25-2:15 pm on Tue Jun 2.

  • Today, Honors 202 does not meet.

    SupWestCiv and Honors 201 will meet, and will do Cyber Assignment #28.

    Cyber #28: In the first sentence of your blog, verify that you will be taking your test on June 2, and list the time that you and your section will be testing. The rest of your assignment will be notes on Slides 32-42 from "Chi Cago's Guide to Ancient Rome," which covers the rise and fall of Julius Caesar.

    If you do not verify that you will be taking your test, and the date and time of that test, you will not receive full credit for today's assignment. Also, if you do not take the test during the designated time, you will be penalized on that portion of the test.

    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    test info, plus a four-day weekend!

    SupWestCiv does not meet today, or tomorrow, 
    or Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday! Wow!

    Honors 201 and Honors 202 will do Cyber Assignment # 27 
    before taking the following four days off. 

    Cyber #27:  Choose ONE of the following three questions to answer for the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome.

    A.     Compare and contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of the modern-day United States.
    B.     Analyze the factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic.
    C.     Describe how the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy and culture.

    Once you have chosen the topic for your essay, enter your choice in your blog for today. Over the big four-day weekend, it is recommended, but not required, that you begin to plan out your five-paragraph essay. This essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due for all sections before midnight on Monday, June 1. You will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2.

    Thank you, and enjoy the time off!

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    more info on the Rome test

    Today, SupWestCiv meets and does Cyber Assignment #27.

    Honors 201 does not meet today.

    Honors 202 meets and does Cyber Assignment #3X.

    Cyber #27: The four-day Memorial Day weekend is upon us. Before the festivities begin, choose ONE of the following three questions to answer for the essay portion of your test on ancient Rome.

    A.     Compare and contrast the government of ancient Rome with the government of the modern-day United States.
    B.     Analyze the factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic.
    C.     Describe how the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy and culture.

    Once you have chosen the topic for your essay, enter your choice in your blog for today. Over the big four-day weekend, it is recommended, but not required, that you begin to plan out your five-paragraph essay. This essay portion of your test on ancient Rome is due for all sections before midnight on Monday, June 1. You will then take the short answer portion of the test live during class time on Tuesday, June 2. 

    Cyber #3X: On June 2, you will take a test on ancient Rome. It will be the same format as the cyber test on Greece: you will test during class time, there will be some short answer questions, you will take the test on NoRedInk, you will also have an essay question given on a different day, each part of the test will be worth 50 points, for a total of 100 points. It will be the last test you take in Western Civ, but it is not a Final Exam. This test will be only on ancient Rome. (There will not be a Final Exam at all this semester, for this or any other class.) Your assignment for today will be to start mentally preparing for this test, just two weeks away. No written blog is required for today.

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    taking notes, and an upcoming test

    Greetings, SupWestCiv and Honors 201 sections. Behold your Cyber Assignment #3X.

    On June 2, you will take a test on ancient Rome. It will be the same format as the cyber test on Greece: you will test during class time, there will be some short answer questions, you will take the test on NoRedInk, you will also have an essay question given on a different day, each part of the test will be worth 50 points, for a total of 100 points. It will be the last test you take in Western Civ, but it is not a Final Exam. This test will be only on ancient Rome. (There will not be a Final Exam at all this semester, for this or any other class.) Your assignment for today will be to start mentally preparing for this test, just two weeks away. No written blog is required for today.

    Salutations to the Honors 202 section. Your Cyber Assignment #26 is as follows.

    Read p. 160-165 (the screenshots are on my May 18 blog) and take notes like you used to do in your notebooks, but on your blog. Pay particular attention to the Gracchus brothers, Julius Caesar, Octavian (Augustus), and the two triumvirates, as well the Pax Romana, followed by the emperors. Post your work before midnight tonight. 

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    from Roman Republic to Roman Empire

    Honors 202 does not meet today.

    SupWestCiv and Honors 201 will do Cyber Assignment #26. Read p. 160-165 (screenshot below) and take notes just like you used to do in your notebooks. Pay particular attention to the Gracchus brothers, Julius Caesar, Octavian (Augustus), and the two triumvirates, as well the Pax Romana, followed by the emperors. Post your notes before midnight tonight.

    Friday, May 15, 2020

    Hannibal riding on elephant back / Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack

    Today, SupWestCiv does not meet. Welcome to the weekend!

    Hannibal and his elephants cross the Alps in the Second Punic War.
    Honors 201 and Honors 202 will do Cyber Assignment #25. Slides 23-31 in the Study Guide cover the feared Roman Legion, which leads us into the Punic Wars. In your blog today you should write about how, where, why, and who fought the Punic Wars. Your blog is due by midnight tonight. Then, enjoy your weekend!

    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    "...fightin' 'gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic..."

    Honors 201 does not meet today.

    SupWestCiv will do Cyber Assignment #25 today. Slides 23-31 in the Study Guide cover the feared Roman Legion, which leads us into the Punic Wars. In your blog today you should describe how, where, why, and who fought the Punic Wars. Your blog is due by midnight tonight.

    Honors 202 will do Cyber Assignment #202X today. The Roman Colosseum and the Circus Maximus were home to the gladiator fights and the chariot races, spectacles that entertained tens of thousands of Romans. Your assignment today is to consider parallels between these events and the modern-day NFL, UFC, and NASCAR. 
    No written blog is required for Honors 202 today.  

    Wednesday, May 13, 2020

    Cyber Assignment 2X is for all three sections today. How often do you hear the United States referred to as a democracy? Pretty often, I would guess - when protestors want their voices to be heard, when elections approach, when politicians give speeches. But aren't we more of a republic? That's what we seem to be learning this unit. Today's assignment will be to consider why we identify ourselves as a democracy, while acting more like a republic. No written blog is required for today.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    how are ancient Rome and modern-day US alike?

    Honors 202 does not meet for class today.

    SupWestCiv and Honors 201 will work on Cyber Assignment #24: In the Study Guide, slides 9-12 chronicle just how horrible it was to live under the rule of a capricious, cynical, calculating leader and his family, shaping the way Rome chose their leaders henceforth. Slides 13-22 describe the structure of the Roman government, and how that republic compares to our present-day US government. Your blog should discuss these two topics.

    Monday, May 11, 2020

    SupWestCiv does not meet today. Happy Monday to you!

    Honors 201 will do cyber assignment #23, which looks like this: Your head is probably still spinning from hearing Chi Cago’s Rome, and I know you have missed my fabulous Google SlideShows since we went to cyber school. So let’s combine the two. Presenting... a Study Guide of Rome (found at the link below)! Take notes on the first eight slides, and post the notes to your blog before midnight tonight. (Feel free to sing along while reading the slides!) And Happy Monday to you!

    Study Guide:

    Tarquin the Proud, the last king of Rome
    Honors 202 moves on to cyber assignment #24. In the Study Guide, slides 9-12 chronicle just how horrible it was to live under the rule of a capricious, cynical, calculating leader and his family, shaping the way Rome chose their leaders henceforth. Slides 13-22 describe the structure of the Roman government, and how that republic compares to our present-day US government. Your blog should discuss these two topics. Happy Monday to you! 

    Friday, May 8, 2020

    the Study Guide to Chi Cago's Rome

    Honors 201 - your class does not meet today. "See" you next week!

    SupWestCiv and Honors 202, here is your assignment for today.

    Your head is probably still spinning from hearing Chi Cago’s Rome, and I know you have missed my fabulous Google SlideShows since we went to cyber school. So let’s combine the two. Presenting... a Study Guide of Rome (found at the link below)! Take notes on the first eight slides, post the notes to your blog before midnight tonight, then have a good, if chilly, weekend. (Feel free to sing along while reading the slides!)

    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome...

    If we were still "IN school," today would be the day that I would have introduced myself as your guest lecturer, the famed rapper and historian Chi Cago. I  would cue up my megahit Rome, sing along to the lyrics up on the screen, and watch your faces as you stared in amazement and/or embarrassment. In past years, reactions have ranged from a group "What is happening...?!?" to a standing ovation. But I always enjoyed doing it, because, well, it was fun to make. A few hours writing lyrics, a few hours recording in my basement on GarageBand, and the rest is History (class). Today you get to hear it and follow along with the lyrics, even if I can't see your faces. Let it rain...



    Tonight's assignment: write your reaction to Rome, by Chi Cago.

    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Happy Wednesday!

    Honors 202 does not meet today, and therefore has the day off.

    SupWestCiv and Honors 101 will work on Cyber assignment #1X, as follows: 

    Consider this question: Did the Roman Republic owe its success more to its form of government or to its army, and why? No blog is necessary today.

    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Twelve Tables, no waiting

    Today, SupWestCiv does not meet. Take a breather.

    Honors 201 will do Cyber Assignment #21: Go back and re-read the section on the Twelve Tables, on p. 156 (scanned on my April 27 blog). Then watch “Law & Order in Ancient Rome – The Law,” found here. Finally, write a summary of the Twelve Tables in your blog for today, due (as always) before midnight tonight.

    Honors 202 will do Cyber Assignment #1X: Consider this question: Did the Roman Republic owe its success more to its form of government or to its army, and why? No written blog is necessary today.

    Monday, May 4, 2020

    the Twelve Tables - a turning point in Roman law

    This blog has been corrected to show who is meeting, and who is not. My apologies!

    Honors 201 does not meet today, and is not required to write a blog.

    SupWestCiv and Honors 202 will do this assignment.
    • Go back and re-read the section on the Twelve Tables, on p. 156 (scanned on my April 27 blog). 
    • Then watch “Law & Order in Ancient Rome – The Law,” found at (and also in the sidebar to the right)
    • Finally, write a summary of the Twelve Tables in your blog for today, due (as always) before midnight tonight.

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Welcome to May!

    All three sections meet today.

    Cyber #20 will look like this:

    Today, post an image of an architectural landmark from ancient Rome that is NOT the Colosseum, and describe it. A simple assignment before we sail into a well-deserved weekend!

    Until we meet again...

    At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...