Friday, March 20, 2020

cyber #4

This assignment went up on Veracross before 6:00 this morning,  and I am happy to see that most of you have completed it, but I didn't put it up on this blog at that time.

Here it is.

This Cyber School assignment is about… Cyber School. As the first week winds down, tell me how it has worked out for you so far. I’m interested in what the experience of being a student in this situation has been like for you. Post your frank, honest thoughts to your blog by 11:59pm tonight, then take the weekend off. This assignment is worth 10 points.

Most grades have been posted, but the rest of them will go up tomorrow (Saturday).

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...