Friday, March 13, 2020

what a week...

It was a week like no other - for John Carroll, the country, and the world.

By now you have all received an email from Principal Durkin detailing our transition to online learning for the next two weeks. I encourage you and your parents to be familiar with it, so you know what is expected of both students and your teachers for the next two weeks.

Here is what you can expect of me regarding our Western Civilization class. Every day your section meets, I will post an assignment on Veracross by 8:00am, and you will need to post that assignment to your blog by 11:59pm that same day. Each assignment will be worth 10 points unless otherwise stated. Late work will be penalized. The assignment is the only thing you need to post on your blog that day. You will continue to receive a weekly blog grade while we are in "cyber school."

I feel it is a good idea for all of us - students and teachers - to realize that we are not on break. We are attempting to reproduce the school experience while not actually being in a classroom together. At times it may seem overwhelming to keep up with all the work and assignments - for both students and teachers. Words of advice - it is easier to keep up than to catch up.

Finally, remember, the reason Maryland's schools have been closed is to give us the best shot at stopping the spread of COVID-19. Please make an effort to practice social distancing, as well as the hand washing and sanitizing we discussed in class, and we will be able to beat this virus.

Feel free to email me with any problems or questions, and please stay healthy!

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...