Thursday, April 16, 2020

playing with Plato

Plato thinking about what he's going to write in his blog
SupWestCiv and Honors 202 will do the following assignment; Honors 201 does not meet today.

Remember how WestCiv class used to be? We all gathered together in Room 114, and I would share a PowerPoint or a video. We would discuss the slides, or in the case of a video, we’d play “OK Stop.” (I miss those days…)

Today you will watch a video called “Plato’s Best (and Worst) Ideas,” and answer these questions in your blog:
1)     How did Plato define The Forms?
2)     Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?
3)     What were Plato’s thoughts on women?
4)     What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed?

As always, post your blog before midnight tonight. The video is found at Thank you for watching and doing your own work – it’s the best way to learn!

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Until we meet again...

At long last, we have arrived at the end of this ridiculous school year. What a ride. I appreciate you folks so much - you had patience ...